mardi 20 mars 2018

On the road to Agile IT governance, get inspired from automotive industry [mars 2018]

Agile IT governance : how about taking inspiration from the automotive industry ?

SAE International  automation levels [1] : 6 automation levels
  • Level 0 : No automation
  • Level 1 : Driver assistance
  • Level 2 : Partial automation
  • Level 3 : Conditional automation
  • Level 4 : High automation
  • Level 5 : Full automation
Adaptation of SAE International automation levels by Ministry of transport, New Zealand [2] : 5 automation levels
  • Level 0 : No automation
  • Level 1 : Function-specific automation
  • Level 2 : Combined function automation
  • Level 3 : Limited self-driving automation
  • Level 4 : Full self-driving automation

[1] SAE International automation levels can be contemplated at National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), USA


On Creative Digital Enterprise :
another Design Management pattern for agile IS managers inspired by Ministry of Transport, New Zealand

On  Gouvernance numérique d'entreprise [Creative Digital Enterprise Governance]

Trophée innovation 2015

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum 2015.