mardi 29 mai 2018

The "Protect IP / Share IP" Agile game at VivaTech 2018 [mai 2018]

More than 50 global brands were at VivaTech 2018 [1].

A tremendous opportunity to discuss on open innovation practices and share experiences of "Protect IP / Share IP" [2] Agile game [3] under the umbrella of EUIPO tag line for world IP day 2018 campaign :

"Protect your IP well, so that you can share it with the world ! ".

Protect your IP well, so that you can share it with the world !
EUIPO 2018

A design canvas featuring the Protect IP / Share IP model

[1] At VivaTech, among brands tag lines, INPI tag line, X-Open-Innovation, 29 mai 2018
[2a] The phrase Protect IP / Share IP ("Entre protection et partage") is the motto of X--Intellectual-Property a think tank created in 2008 and accredited by Ecole Polytechnique alumni association (AX). X-Intellectual-Property official site
[2b] 4 x  renditions of Protect IP / Share IP innovation management  model , L'entreprise numérique créative, 25 mai 2018
[3] Agile game : what are we talking about ? , Gouvernance numérique d'entreprise, 12 mai 2018

Update June 3 2019 
At VivaTech 2019, Do-Khac Decision partnered with InstarLink
Un partenariat sérendipitif : de la responsabilité sociale d'entreprise à VivaTech, X-Open-Innovation, May 10 2019

Trophée innovation 2015

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum 2015.