samedi 12 mai 2018

Agile games : what are we talking about ? [mai 2018]

Some Agile games types

[ Stylish] Shared language : a management framework, but designed with style.
The Scrum Guide, from Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland, co-edited by and ScrumInc, USA, is a management framework for software development which features objects borrowed from sport: scrum and sprint [1a].
In France, to feature the client supplier relationship between the business departments and the IS department, some IS project managers are recalling the the "Maîtrise d'ouvrage / Maitrise d’œuvre" ("MOA/MOE") management pattern from the construction and city planning industrial sector [1b].

Design canvas on kanban board : a graphic to help positionning self adhesive stickers (such as Post-IT® stickers). The graphic could be as simple as a labelled table.
A popular graphic is the Business Model Canvas (BMC) edited by Strategyzer, Schweiz.
Do-Khac Decision, France, is editing the Business Model Pavement for Digital (BMPD) [2].

Joyful collaborative tool : a table game (cards, boards, dices, pawns,...) capturing a business method or a business framework.
The game Planning Poker®, franchised by Mountain Goat Software, USA, is a card game, simple though powerful (five claps for its creator, James Grenning), for co-defining IT project key performances indicators (KPI) [3].

Coaching game : a game for team building. The participants are the game material.

Digitalized games / serious games / mooc
For Agile at scale, these games can be digitalized, using mooc, video or serious game technologies, either frugal [4a] or state of the art, tablets or digital boards.
The Agile game La Maîtrise d'Usage®, edited by Do-Khac Decision, was digitalized with an eSport technology [4b] to be demontrated at an exhibition organized by the French Defense [5].

However, the emotional intelligence of a joyful collaboative tool might be downgraded a little bit.

Some design canvases and games materials might bear IPR (intellectual property rights).

Digital editors should make their best efforts to ensure business and social loyalty towards the Agile game authors and creators. If they do not, how possibly could they be loyal to their clients when helping them to turn Agile with the digital tools ?

[1a] The Scrum Guide (official site)
[1b]  Ce qu'il faut savoir sur le modèle "Maîtrise d'ouvrage Maîtrise d'oeuvre" (MOA MOE) [a mooc-pitch, but in French]
[2] Three ontologies of the enterprise (a mooc-pitch, but in French)
[3] Mountain Goat Software/Planning Poker
[4a] The Personal MOOC, a [free] frugal technology to share college maths pedagogies
[4b] A list of 10 eSport technologies
[5] Innovation Défense 2017 : innover dans le  soutien des armées

June 29. 2018 update

Nov 9. 2018 update
Dec 9. 2018 update

Trophée innovation 2015

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum 2015.