jeudi 3 mai 2018

A definition for Agile game : joyful collaborative tool [mai 2018]

The phrase "jeu agile", the immediate translation of "Agile game" into French, was felt to be a little bit weird for the French public operators or administrations which have not yet engaged their tranformation  to Agile.

When these operators issued calls for tender early 2018, the phrase  "outil collaboratif convivial" was used in several questions posted on the Questions & Answers forum of the shared digital market place for public operators [1].

How would you translate "outil collaboratif convivial" back to English  ?

Google Transation would say : "friendly collaborative tool"

How about "joyful collaborative tool" ?

 A definition by design of Agile game

Should you visit "About us" page of Scrum Alliance, which claims 725,000 practitioners worldwide, you would read that Scrum Alliance vision is to "create workplaces that are joyful, prosperous, and sustainable" [2]

The Planning Poker card game is probably the first Agile game to be widely used. The game was invented by James Grenning. It is franchised by Moutain Goat Software, USA, which holds a registered trademark on it [3].

To help planning Agility transformation in large enterprises and administrations, the Agile game 4AgileAces [4] dan be used. The joyful collaborative tool is franchised by Dô-Khac Decision, France.

[2] Scrum Alliance
[3] Source : USPTO TESS
[4] 4AgileAces

Trophée innovation 2015

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum 2015.