mardi 23 mai 2023

Agile team ideal size (chat with ChatGPT) [mai 2023]

La key note de Aquilité, une conférence en ligne le 23 et 24 mai visant une audience d'entreprises sises en Aquitaine, titrait "7 plus ou moins 2 : la formule magique de la taille des équipes agiles ?" [1]. 

Dans le chat en ligne, nous avons d'abord lancé "avec une main, 5, avec deux mains, 10" ; puis nous avons partagé un extrait de la réponse de ChatGPT "The most commonly recommended team size in Agile is between 5 to 9 members, often referred to as the "7 ± 2" rule."  ce qui nous a valu le plus grand nombre de like parmi les autres commentaires.


[1] Aquilité 2023

Hello ChatGPT, i would like to learn how to manage a team of software developpers.

Hello! Managing a team of software developers requires a combination of technical expertise, leadership skills, and effective communication. Here are some key tips to help you effectively manage a team of software developers:
  • Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Clearly define the goals, objectives, and expectations for your team. Communicate the project requirements, deadlines, and quality standards. Ensure that each team member understands their role and responsibilities.
  • Foster a Collaborative Environment: Encourage collaboration and open communication within the team. Create an atmosphere where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, asking questions, and providing feedback. Foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.
  • Provide Adequate Resources: Ensure that your team has the necessary tools, software, hardware, and resources to perform their tasks efficiently. Remove any obstacles or barriers that may hinder their productivity.
  • Delegate Tasks Appropriately: Assign tasks based on each team member's skills, expertise, and workload. Avoid overloading or underutilizing individuals. Consider their strengths and interests when delegating responsibilities.
  • Encourage Learning and Growth: Promote continuous learning and professional development within your team. Provide opportunities for skill enhancement, such as training programs, conferences, or workshops. Support your team members' career growth and encourage them to stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies.
  • Provide Regular Feedback: Offer constructive feedback and recognition to your team members. Conduct regular one-on-one meetings to discuss their progress, address any concerns, and provide guidance. Recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements.
  • Foster a Results-Oriented Culture: Focus on delivering results and meeting deadlines. Set measurable milestones and regularly track progress. Encourage accountability and ensure that the team understands the importance of meeting targets while maintaining quality standards.
  • Address Challenges Proactively: Anticipate and address any challenges or roadblocks that may arise during the project. Foster problem-solving skills within the team and encourage them to come up with innovative solutions. Provide support and guidance whenever needed.
  • Lead by Example: Be a role model for your team. Demonstrate professionalism, integrity, and a strong work ethic. Show enthusiasm for the project and inspire your team members through your actions.
  • Foster Work-Life Balance: Encourage a healthy work-life balance among your team members. Avoid overworking them or expecting them to work long hours consistently. Promote the importance of taking breaks and maintaining overall well-being.
Remember that effective management involves understanding your team members' individual strengths and needs, adapting your leadership style accordingly, and being responsive to their feedback. Building strong relationships and maintaining open lines of communication are key to successful team management.

What if is in Agile mode ?

If you're managing a team of software developers in Agile mode, the principles and practices of Agile methodologies can greatly influence your approach to team management. Here are some additional tips specifically tailored for managing an Agile software development team:
  • Embrace Agile Values and Principles: Familiarize yourself with the Agile Manifesto and its core principles. Understand the emphasis on collaboration, adaptability, and delivering customer value. Incorporate these values into your team management approach.
  • Create a Self-Organizing Team: Agile promotes self-organizing teams where individuals collaborate and make decisions collectively. Encourage autonomy and empower your team members to take ownership of their work. Facilitate their decision-making process and provide guidance when needed.
  • Establish Iterative and Incremental Work: Break down the project into small, manageable increments or iterations. Work with the team to define clear objectives for each iteration, commonly known as sprints. Ensure that the team understands the prioritized backlog and the scope of work for each sprint.
  • Facilitate Regular Agile Ceremonies: Support and facilitate Agile ceremonies such as daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning sessions, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. These ceremonies help maintain transparency, alignment, and continuous improvement within the team.
  • Foster Continuous Collaboration: Encourage open and frequent communication among team members, stakeholders, and customers. Promote face-to-face interactions, even if they are virtual. Use collaboration tools that facilitate real-time communication, such as instant messaging platforms or project management software.
  • Prioritize Backlog and Manage Workload: Work closely with the product owner to prioritize the backlog items based on customer value and project goals. Collaborate with the team to estimate and allocate work during sprint planning. Ensure a balanced workload distribution while considering individual capacity and skill sets.
  • Emphasize Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the team. Conduct regular retrospectives to reflect on the team's performance and identify areas for enhancement. Support experimentation and encourage the adoption of new practices or tools that can boost productivity.
  • Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile projects require adaptability to changing requirements and priorities. Be open to adjusting plans and embracing change throughout the project. Help the team manage shifting priorities effectively and provide support when dealing with scope creep or new feature requests.
  • Foster Technical Excellence: Encourage the team to focus on technical excellence and maintain high-quality standards. Promote practices like continuous integration, automated testing, and code reviews. Provide opportunities for skill development and knowledge sharing.
  • Monitor Progress and Metrics: Use Agile metrics, such as velocity, burn-down or burn-up charts, and cycle time, to track the team's progress and identify potential bottlenecks. Regularly review and discuss these metrics with the team to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.
By embracing Agile principles and practices, you can enable your team to deliver value iteratively, adapt to changing circumstances, and foster a collaborative and high-performing work environment.

Is there an ideal number of members for an Agile team ?

The ideal number of members for an Agile team can vary depending on the specific project, its complexity, and the organization's context. However, Agile methodologies generally recommend small, cross-functional teams. The most commonly recommended team size in Agile is between 5 to 9 members, often referred to as the "7 ± 2" rule. Here are some factors to consider when determining the size of an Agile team:
  • Cross-Functional Skills: An Agile team should be composed of members with diverse skills necessary to deliver the required product or features. This typically includes developers, testers, designers, and other relevant roles. The team should have a balanced mix of skills to promote self-sufficiency and reduce dependencies on external resources.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Agile teams thrive on effective collaboration and communication. Smaller team sizes facilitate better communication, faster decision-making, and a higher degree of shared understanding. When teams grow too large, coordination and communication become more challenging.
  • Team Dynamics and Cohesion: Building a cohesive team that works well together is essential for Agile success. Smaller teams tend to develop stronger bonds, trust, and effective collaboration. They can establish a shared sense of ownership and accountability for the project's success.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile teams should be able to adapt quickly to changing requirements and priorities. Smaller teams are generally more agile and can adjust their approach and plans more easily than larger teams. They can also respond more effectively to feedback and make iterative improvements.
  • Resource Utilization: Consider the availability of resources, such as infrastructure, tools, and equipment, when determining team size. Ensure that the team has sufficient resources to carry out their work effectively and efficiently.

It's important to note that the Agile team size recommendation is not a strict rule, but a guideline. Depending on the project's complexity and requirements, you may need to adjust the team size accordingly. Additionally, if the project scales or requires additional expertise, multiple Agile teams may be formed and organized into larger structures such as Agile Release Trains or Scrum-of-Scrums.

Ultimately, the goal is to find a team size that promotes effective collaboration, communication, and productivity while ensuring the team can deliver value iteratively and maintain a high level of agility.



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Agile team ideal size (chat with ChatGPT) [may 2023]
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