dimanche 8 janvier 2017

A quick hit assessment of multi-speed IT impact on IT management processes [jan 2017]

According to thought leadership consultants (McKinsey, BCG, Deloitte, Gartner), world class digital services and products firms (IBM, Accenture, Capgemini) and Cigref, a Paris based network of european large "IT user" enterprises [1], the digital transformation of management of information systems (MIS) means multi-speed IT.

A condition to multi-speed IT is a clear separation between governance and management.

For a quick hit assessment of this condition, CIO might consider the best practice(s) which have been leveraged to define the IT management processes of their company.

CIO, how would you go to multi-speed IT ?
adapted and translated by Tru Dô-Khac from Directeur(ice)s de systèmes d'information, comment irez-vous vers le multi-speed IT ?, Le Cercle Les Echos, 23 nov. 2016

[1] Selection of articles / document on the open internet

  • The new roles of the IS function, -Missions, competences and marketing of the function-, Cigref, 2015, page 24 
  • A two-speed IT architecture for the digital enterprise, Oliver Bossert, Chris Ip, and Jürgen Laartz, McKinsey, 2014 
  • Two-Speed IT: A Linchpin for Success in a Digitized World, Antoine Gourévitch, Benjamin Rehberg, and Jean-François Bobier, Boston Consulting Group, 2012
  • DevOps multi-speed IT, IBM Cloud Architecture Center, IBM, 2016
  • Gearing Up for Growth Using Multi-speed IT, Nicholas Bayley and John Shacklady, Accenture, 2015 
  • From Train to Scooter, Ron Tolido, Capgemini, 2011  
  • Tech Trends 2016, Deloitte University Press, 2016, pages 6-13
  • Bimodal IT, Gartner IT Glossary 

Trophée innovation 2015

L'innovation frugale du "Personal MOOC" a été élue Trophée IT Innovation Forum 2015.